A few weeks ago, I came across this idea on Pinterest:
Source: reallygoodstuff.com via Pamela on Pinterest
It's a space man! Let me explain...see my Grade 1 friends have this "condition" called neverrememberingtoleavespacesbetweentheirwords. It's an epidemic! This is where the "space man" (or "space woman") comes into use...they can use the "space man" or "space woman" to leave S P A C E S between their words. Genius.
A few years ago, I had some custom made rubber stamps made by this Etsy shop. They turned out awesome. After being unable to find astronaut clip art that fit into the space I needed, I messaged the Etsy shop owner asking if she could create a rubber stamp with a long narrow astronaut so that I could stamp it on popsicle sticks. Having a "space man" rubber stamp also means that I can have a ready supply of "space men" at my finger tips. I did get some razzing from my teacher peeps at school who bugged me for having my own private "stamp go-to person" but that's ok...I am proud of my stamping connections!
Well, my completed stamp arrived on Thursday and it is perfectly awesome!